To God our Heavenly Father, “PURE” religion is defined as empowering and caring for the needy, vulnerable, less privileged, hopeless and support-less individuals, according to the Bible in the book of James 1:27. I’m glad that today I’m positioned where my voice & actions could positively influence the girl child’s future and women in one way or the other. The question that may cross your mind could be; what influenced Gideon to have a vision of founding a girl child and women empowering organization yet he is not a woman? This is how it begun. In 1995, April, 25 I was born by a widow, who had lost her husband (my daddy) two months ago before my birth. I got a chance of being raised up by my mom up to 7years only and I also lost her becoming an orphan at 7. From that time it was such a hard trial I went through in life which even forced me to go start living on the streets of Kampala the capital city of my home country Uganda ,as a homeless street boy. After I had started up my new miserable street life where food, clean water, medication, security and warm comfortable place to sleep was a serious life time challenge to me as a street boy. I was also shocked to see what I thought it was impossible; finding young girls and women also living a surviving life on the streets in the same miserable life. I sat down and took some time to think about how these suffering young girls and women would survive in such a terrible way of living, which I realized that to there side it was not only challenging but also very dangerous for them to live in such an environment. I witnessed many young girls, teenage mothers and women living on the street being raped and murdered, some impregnated, and others losing their lives because they had no security, food, clean water, medical care and comfortable places to sleep. No one could even advocate for their rights because of some of the African taboos that consider only a boy child’s future special than a girl child’s one. All this stuff I saw touched and moved my heart because of the futures of the many young girls and women plus their lives I saw perishing like dust on the street. By that time I desired to help but it was impossible for me to support or give aid to the suffering innocent young girls and women since I myself was still vulnerable, just an orphan street boy looking for survival also. I made a prayer and promised God that if one day I find my way out of this homeless street life and I start living in a home like any other child being cared for and mentored for a bright future I will stand in position to put an end to the reasons that force young girls and women to end up on the streets, a prayer which God answered with time. One day, it was around midday, in 2008 when I met a gentleman whom I may call my Good Samaritan by the names of Daniel Strachan who gave in his time to listen to an orphan street boy’s story that touched his heart where by he was afraid of leaving me homeless that he had to find me a home to live in, that I may have full access to education, food, shelter and medical care. This was an orphanage under the names of; SAVIOR’S HOME CHILDREN MINISTRY where I was able to grow up like any other responsible cared for child. Many thanks and blessings to Mr. Daniel Strachan and Mr. Timothy Batalaze the founder of the orphanage for laying a brick on what I’m today. When time passed by, I started living an independent life as a youth and a church boy who ministered through playing the keyboard and singing in church. One day as I was ministering at our church I remembered that I have a calling and a role I had to fulfill and that was a vision I got when I was still living on the street of; Empowering a girl child and women in communities that they may not end up as street girls and women I saw when I was still a street boy, thus the birth of Girl Impact Dynamic Africa. (GID Africa) in 2022. I believe that no girl child nor Woman deserves to live a miserable meaningless future in Africa. Please join us, together we can make a positive impact to girls and women suffering out there. Let’s “Make Her Vibrant”!